AEC Session Search
This year’s sessions will cover the most critical and cutting-edge issues in public education. View session descriptions now by using the AEC Session Search or by viewing the schedules below. The AEC session search allows you to find workshops by keyword, date or presenter last name. Sessions and room locations are subject to change.
We are excited to offer a diverse range of sessions tailored to the specific interests of our members across various pathways:
Conference Strands
The Access for All strand explores the relationships between funding for schools, student achievement and preparation of students for college and career. This strand exemplifies how board decision making through an inclusionary lens can effectively respond to the diverse needs of students so that all students have access to a broad, rigorous and equitable course of study that prepares them for their futures.
Topics could include: Innovative and successful programs that close achievement and opportunity gaps for all students, including educational and wellness challenges; equity/access issues in rural and/or small school district communities; implicit bias; and understanding the shifting needs of California students. Examples: College and career exposure and readiness; use of data to measure progress; special education challenges; broadband access in the community; Local Control and Accountability Plan; Multi-Tiered System of Supports; extended learning opportunities; before- and after-school programs; positive behavior interventions and school discipline practices; transitional kindergarten and access to universal pre-K; course access, including dual/concurrent enrollment, career technical education and ethnic studies; dual language programs; and state Seal of Biliteracy.
The Digital Transformation in Education strand addresses the importance of ensuring that all students have access to the digital technology, programs and resources needed to prepare them for the future and explores the challenges of artificial intelligence (AI), cyberattacks, plagiarism, loss of privacy, social media bullying and the law. Workshops will provide board members with an opportunity to learn about the latest information on security risks, research and trends for the K-12 education system.
Topics could include: Professional development; one-to-one devices; funding; access to technology; student data and privacy; technology challenges and solutions; disabilities and devices; plagiarism; productive and ethical use of AI; cybersecurity; social media and digital communications; social media use by students, teachers and schools; privacy issues and use of cameras; student voice; computer science instruction; Esports; extended learning; and accelerated learning.
The Fiscal Strategies and Accountability strand addresses the importance of the board of trustees in ensuring that all members are involved with financial oversight and work in partnership with the superintendent. Together, they provide strong financial oversight to ensure that all students enrolled in school district and county office of education programs benefit from the resources needed for a broad, rigorous and equitable course of study that prepares them for their futures.
Topics could include: Advocating for K-12 funding; the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF); increasing LCFF base funding; broadband funding; CalSTRS and CalPERS planning; health care and labor negotiations; collective bargaining and the Local Control and Accountability Plan; declining enrollment and average daily attendance (ADA) recovery; bond, parcel and sales tax campaigns; communicating the budget to the community; community-funded school districts; transportation funding and small school districts; new construction and modernization of facilities including green opportunities; planning for food and nutrition programs; early education facilities; charter facilities; affordable teacher housing; local, state and federal budget issues; grant funding and philanthropy; special education funding; strategies for spending one-time funds; deficit spending in times of crisis; aligning fiscal resources with school district and community priorities; budget transparency and budgeting with an equity lens.
The Mental Health, Wellness and Student Safety strand encompasses the conditions of learning that address how student and staff wellness, school culture and campus security contribute to educating the whole student and creating a nurturing, safe and respectful environment.
Topics could include: Addressing student needs; suicide prevention; anti-bullying/harassment programs; human trafficking awareness; fentanyl, drug/alcohol prevention and response; mental health and the impact on students, families, teachers and staff; supporting LGBTQ students; mental health services and community partnerships; access to mental health services; social and mental health resources for teachers and board members, including stress and decision fatigue; board member role in promoting healthy school climate; programs that address student mental, nutritional and physical health; social-emotional curriculum including mindfulness as a discipline; wraparound services including before-school, after-school and summer programming; localized mental health services in underserved communities; trauma-informed services including addressing adverse childhood experiences; school-based health clinics; issues related to legalization of marijuana; vaping; open dialogue with law enforcement and government agencies; role of school counselors; and wellness interventions.
The Strategies and Practices of Governance strand aims to support school district and county board of education members with the leadership skills, qualities and techniques to become a productive team that represents the voice for all students.
Topics could include: Board member role in developing a positive school culture; shared governance; leadership and decision making in crisis; board self-evaluation; superintendent contracts, hiring and evaluations; conflict resolution; use of data in making decisions; policy and protocols to support good governance; goal setting and budget alignment; redistricting; leadership role of the board president; engaging the voice of student board members; how to be an advocate; understanding and following parliamentary procedure; Form 700 and conflict of interest; ethics and transparency; California Public Records Act; the Brown Act; orienting new trustees; charter school oversight; candidate orientation; and trustee role in negotiations.
The Student and Community Engagement strand addresses board members’ leadership role in enabling authentic, productive engagement and strengthening collaborative relationships with students, stakeholders, community partners and decision-makers to generate support for public schools and student achievement.
Topics could include: Engaging student voice; Local Control and Accountability Plan and strategic planning with authentic participation by families and stakeholders; community schools; connecting with faith-based communities to reach families; marketing and promoting schools and working with the media; building positive school culture; student-centered schools; cultural literacy; programs and strategies for welcoming and engaging families, including parent resource centers or multilingual parent/family liaisons; local and grassroots advocacy; community organizing; legislative advocacy; forming political partnerships; business, nonprofit, philanthropic and corporate partnerships including health and wellness providers and partnerships between county offices of education and school districts to support student success; programs and partnerships addressing climate resiliency or climate action plans and/or sustainability.